Many have been drinking tea with chamomile since childhood but they do not even know how many useful properties this drink has. Chamomile tea is a real treasure trove of various vitamins and micro and macro elements. It is an affordable, inexpensive remedy that should be found in every home. It is a must in your household!
Chamomile tea is an herbal infusion made from chamomile – a unique plant that was used for treatment in ancient times. It is widely used even now, despite the high level of development of modern pharmacology.
In ancient times, chamomile infusions were used to treat certain diseases, including cold and headaches. Today we have a unique drink that can be useful not only for treatment but for beauty as well.
Useful Properties of Chamomile Tea
Dry chamomile contains many nutrients. These include:
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Chlorine
- Sulfur
- Magnesium
- Phosphorus
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Protein substances
- Nicotinic acid or niacin, which in turn is one of the main sources of PP vitamin
- Polysaccharides
- Coumarins, which are used in medicine as anticoagulants – substances that prevent blood clots.
Beneficial Properties
- Chamomile tea benefits are innumerable.
- Chamomile is a natural antiseptic and antioxidant and its infusion
- relieves nervous irritation, provides a good, sound sleep;
- normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, not allowing the fermentation process to occur;
- allows you to get rid of colds and tonsillitis in no time;
- normalizes the amount of glucose in the blood;
- helps to get rid of conjunctivitis;
- helps to strengthen the immune system;
- helps to get rid of various kinds of inflammation that occur on the skin, including allergies.
Chamomile Tea in Beauty Routine
You can not only drink chamomile tea but also apply it to the skin. Drinking chamomile tea will cleanse and whiten your skin, remove blemishes, brighten the face, and close pores, while used tea bags can be frozen and put under your eyes for a few minutes to get rid of dark circles.
If you want to use chamomile tea for weight, 100-150 ml of the drink should be taken at least three times a day.
The calorie content of tea is low – only 1 kcal per 100 g, so it can be safely consumed in diets.
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Chamomile Tea for Insomnia, Irritability, and Stress
Because of its soothing effect, chamomile tea can help fight insomnia. You can have a warm cup of chamomile tea and honey an hour before going to bed. This recipe will help you calm down and fall asleep normally.
Not only that, chamomile tea also relieves stress. After a hard day at work, you can make yourself a cup this wonderful drink and restore your peace of mind. It will help you calm down and relieve stress.
And all this without resorting to taking medicines!
You may ask why does chamomile tea help anxiety?
The secret is in chrysin – a flavone found in chamomile plant. It has a clear sedative effect, reduces the level of anxiety, relieves of causeless fear, and anxiety attacks, and fights nightmares and tantrums. By the way, chrysin is a key ingredient in dietary supplements.
Universal Drink
Since chamomile tea does not contain caffeine, it can be taken by everyone from hypertensive patients to children. For the same reason, chamomile tea on empty stomach will not harm you.
Chamomile tea is one of the few remedies that can be used for infants over six months. If your little ones have colic in the stomach or pain during the growth of the first teeth, chamomile tea is there to help.
To improve your health, it is recommended to take chamomile tea once a day.
Buying Chamomile Tea
Buy chamomile tea, but make sure that you buy the best chamomile tea. We recommend Alokozay Chamomile Tea Bags from AlokozayShop.com. They come in individually foil wrapped envelopes to keep the product fresh and safe from moisture.
And don’t forget, you can not only use those tea bags for brewing yourself a drink that is nature’s gift to us, but also utilize used tea bags to get rid of dark circles around the eyes.
A cup of soothing chamomile tea, anyone?
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