List of 2019 Public Holidays in UAE

List of 2019 Public Holidays in UAE

List of 2019 Public Holidays in UAE: For residents of UAE, public Holidays referred to “Main Festival” or “Special Occasion“. UAE gets very poor public holidays compared to other countries.

With public holidays in full swing, a number of us plan for outings especially when public holidays fall under weekends.

To make you understand we have listed total break-down of 2019 Public Holidays in UAE. The following are the list of public holidays of UAE in 2019

List of 2019 Public Holidays in UAE

List of 2019 Public Holidays in UAE
Date Islamic Date Occasion No. of Holidays
01.01.2019 24 Rabi Al-Aakhir 1440 New Year 1
03.04.2019 27 Rajab 1440 Israa Wal Miraj 1
03.06.2019 29 Ramadan 1440 Ramadan 1
05.06.2019 1 Shawwal 1440 Eid Ul Fitr 3
10.08.2019 9 Thul-Hijjah 1440 Arafat (Haj) 1
11.08.2019 10 Thul-Hijjah 1440 Eid Ul Adha 3
31.08.2019 1 Muharram 1441 Islamic New Year 1
09.11.2019 12 Rabi Al-Awwal 1441 Milad Un Nabwi 1
30.11.2019 3 Rabi Al-Aakhir 1441 Commemoration Day 1
02.12.2019 5 Rabi Al-Aakhir 1441 UAE – National Day 1

Most of the above holidays are based on moon sighting, according to Khaleej Times.

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Mohammad Sharfuddin

Hi, I'm +Mohammad Sharfuddin, a blogger writer who got hit by a disease called "Creativity". I love to write and when I do things that I love, I'm serious and will make the outcome worth it. I believe growing your online presence should feel awesome not overwhelming. And I help bloggers make consistent, reliable income online so they can work at home, be their own boss, and spend more time doing what they love. Know more about me [at]

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