UAE Nation Brand - The Seven Lines

UAE Nation Brand – The Seven Lines

UAE Nation Brand – The Seven (7) Lines: The seven lines of the new Logo are said to speak to the pioneers of the seven emirates who consented to unite under one flag. Seven lines, molding the map of the Emirates utilizing the national colors, speak to the solidarity of things to come centered pioneers.

Designed by 49 Emiratis, the Logo – named 7 Lines – was chosen over two different designs by majority vote. More than 10 million individuals from around the globe took part in selecting the right Logo for the Emirates.

UAE Nation Brand - The Seven Lines

It was disclosed by Sheik Mohammed Bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, and Sheik Mohamed Bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, at Qasr Al Watan in the nation’s capital on Wednesday.

UAE Nation Brand - The Seven Lines

UAE Nation Brand – The Seven Lines

Seven lines rise tall with momentum, confidence, and dynamism as a tribute to the seven bold founding leaders who shaped the Emirates and united their people’s aspirations under one flag. Seven lines, forming the map of the Emirates with the flag colors, speak to the future-centered pioneers of the seven emirates joined towards the nation’s development and driven by steadiness and flexibility despite challenges.

UAE Nation Brand - The Seven Lines

The lines, energetic in shading, reflect the UAE’s continuous adventure of improvement driven by a wave of progress, development, greatness, and unfathomable goals, and the unfazed conviction that nothing is difficult to those resolved to make their fantasies a reality.

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Mohammad Sharfuddin

Hi, I'm +Mohammad Sharfuddin, a blogger writer who got hit by a disease called "Creativity". I love to write and when I do things that I love, I'm serious and will make the outcome worth it. I believe growing your online presence should feel awesome not overwhelming. And I help bloggers make consistent, reliable income online so they can work at home, be their own boss, and spend more time doing what they love. Know more about me [at]

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