How to Open a Company in Dubai

How to Open a Company in Dubai

How to Open a Company in Dubai: Prior to taking the decision to open a company in Dubai, you should ask yourself and answer these following questions.

  • What will be the area of activity of a company?
  • Will this activity comes under the UAE law?
  • Does the Company require need premises – office, warehouses and so on? In the event that it needs it – where and of what measure?
  • Are there any extra important prerequisites?
  • Is it necessary to approve and to obtain additional licenses and permissions, or business is of the standard category without the necessity of special licensing?
How to Open a Company in Dubai

There are basically 3 Classes of licenses issued in Dubai to enroll a company

  1. Commercial License – to be issued to a company that will engage in any kind of trading activity.
  2. Industrial License – to be issued to a company that will engage in manufacturing or any industrial activity.
  3. Professional License – to be issued to service providers, professionals, artisans, and craftsmen.

The DED (Department of Economic Development) in Dubai is the administrative organization in charge of issuing Dubai organization licenses. This division works from a few areas to convey authorizing administrations.

Requirements for Business Licensing

The following is the process to get approval for Business Registration in Dubai

  • Issuance of licenses for banks and other money-related establishments must have the endorsement of the UAE Central Bank
  • Issuance of licenses for manufacturing organizations must have the endorsement of the Finance and Industry Ministry.
  • Issuance of licenses for organizations engaged in Insurance and other pertinent firms must have the endorsement of the Economy and Commerce Ministry
  • Issuance of licenses for medical and pharmaceutical items must have the endorsement of the Health Ministry
  • For organizations occupied with gas or oil creation, extra supports and endorsements from other government offices might be required
  • What’s more, business enrollment should likewise have the association of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Business Structure in Dubai

  1. General Partnership
  2. Partnership in Commandments
  3. Public Shareholding
  4. Private Shareholding
  5. Joint Venture
  6. Share Partnership
  7. Limited Liability

Both 6 and 7 are generally used by small and medium-sized entities.

Company Registration Process in Dubai

How to Open a Company in Dubai

Stage 1. Choose your local (UAE National) partner – “Sponsor”

  • This progression requires careful consideration of what services you anticipate from the sponsor.
  • Would you like him to help you in settling your concern with the administration techniques or Would you simply need his name on the License and that’s it.
  • What charges are you arranged to pay every year?
  • A decent rapport with your sponsor prevents numerous potential issues.

Stage 2. Get a name and activity endorsement from the Department of Economic Development (DED)

This can be applied for and done on a standard application form and submitted at DED

Stage 3. Search for business premises and make a tenancy contract

All business in Dubai must have business premises confirm by a tenancy contract so as to get enlisted.

Stage 4. Make a Memorandum of Association (MOA) with the sponsor and submit to DED

Any legal firm can type out the memorandum which must specify in a special arrangement and ownership percentage among all partners.

Stage 5. Present the MOA and the License application at DED alongside the required legal documents and the tenancy contract.

All charges and expenses must be paid at this stage. You ought to get a License after about seven days from stage 5.

Requirements for business ownership

Every company, other than those with a professional license, set up in Dubai or elsewhere in the United Arab Emirates [UAE] is required to have no less than fifty-one percent (51%) shareholding by UAE nationals.**

** There are few exceptions for the above criteria where 51% shareholding is not applicable.

Dubai Metro Map, Route and Timings

Click Here To check Dubai Metro Map, Route and Timings

Mohammad Sharfuddin

Hi, I'm +Mohammad Sharfuddin, a blogger writer who got hit by a disease called "Creativity". I love to write and when I do things that I love, I'm serious and will make the outcome worth it. I believe growing your online presence should feel awesome not overwhelming. And I help bloggers make consistent, reliable income online so they can work at home, be their own boss, and spend more time doing what they love. Know more about me [at]

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